Ok, this is not about how to hack a website, but how to use websites to share Jesus with others. Here are some ideas:
FaceBook and other Social Media sites
A great way to share Christ in a non-confrontational way. If you want people to keep reading your posts then my tips would be to:
- Post a ratio of 4 personal and funny posts to one post about God.
- Avoid jargon, nothing more off-putting than having Christianese in the post (check any links you post for jargon also).
- Repost key Gospel links, people don’t always see it the first time
- Maximise viewers by posting at the right time. Around 10am seems to be a good time.
Gospel Video Links
Gospel in 7 – Great short, fast moving, impacting Gospel video.
Answers site – Has the Gospel in 7 on the front page along with answers to commonly asked questions about the existence of God, the reliability of the Bible and the difference between the religions.
10 Day Challenge – gospel, testimonies, Faith Q&A and a discipleship course.
YesHeIs – has a range of different videos that you can view and then share. Choose videos without jargon and that you feel would connect best with your intended audience.
If you like chatting to people around the world on chat rooms you may want to download our chat room script. It breaks up the Gospel presentation into ‘chat size’ bits so that all you need to do when sharing with someone is copy and paste – :-). Get it here.
Website Cards
Print a key website onto a business card and give them out in the course of your day. I have them available with answersaboutlife.com printed on them. They are very easy to give out!
Tracts are sometimes viewed as outdated, but people are still being impacted by well produced tracts today. And a tract can sometimes do what we can’t …
“The printed page is a missionary that can go anywhere
and do so at minimum cost. It enters closed lands and reaches all strata
of society. It does not grow weary. It needs no furlough. It lives longer
than any missionary. It never gets ill. It penetrates through the mind to
the heart and conscience. It has and is producing results everywhere. It
has often lain dormant yet retained its life and bloomed years later.”
–Samuel Zweme
Go International have some good gospel tracts, the Test is popular and has been translated into 33 Languages.
Big Book Publishing – You’ll find some clear yet gentle gospel tracts here, suiting different occasions.
DVD’s – You can get the Video G7 on DVD from our website. These are very easy to give out to people you know and you can follow up later – ‘What did you think of the DVD?’. This leads to more opportunity for conversation.
Apps are a fantastic way to communicate the gospel. It has become a cultural norm to show each other things on our screen – games, Apps, photos of our family etc. Why not show the gospel? Because people are looking at your screen it reduces any potential tension from too much eye contact. And because the ear gate and the eye gate are both being engaged, this significantly enhances comprehension and retention.
The gospel App I recommend is the G7 App. It is interactive, customisable and animated. It has video and interactive options, different length presentations and different paths that it goes through depending on the person you are sharing with. And it has a response at the end that offers more information and sends customised emails based on their response that can help people continue their journey. I know that I am biased because it is a tool of our ministry, but there really is no other App like it! I would highly recommend you to get it for your phone or tablet.
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