Pastors/Leaders References
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Ps Ric Benson
As Senior Pastor of Kenmore Baptist Church, a large church of over 2000 people in the Western Suburbs of Brisbane, I along with a number of people in our congregation, have received evangelism training through Train to Proclaim Ministry under the leadership of Stu Millar.
Formerly as a Director of Church Dynamics (Campus Crusade for Christ Australia) I have personally trained thousands of people in evangelism in local churches, and in receiving training with Stu, have had every opportunity to compare methodology, cultural relevance, training skills, training materials, and effectiveness.
My assessment in these areas is as follows:
Methodology: Very well thought through and practiced methods that could be easily learned and applied by most people in the congregation regardless of age, background, gender, or spiritual maturity.
Cultural relevance: The methods and materials have been initially developed in New Zealand and now are progressively being refined in Australia. As new ideas and innovations are suggested or discovered, they too as appropriate are being mapped into the training and materials. We found no cultural problems at all with either the materials or methodology, which was low key, highly relational, logical and easily understood.
Training skills: Stu is an excellent relater as well as trainer, who knows his material very well and communicates it in a fun way that disarms most people’s fears and concerns. Presentations use a variety of teaching and communication skills which promote quality learning through engagement of trainees.
Training materials: The training materials are well presented in both written and visual form. They are theologically accurate and comprehensive, yet easily understood. Particularly encouraging is the additional resource material of books, articles, and DVD’s.
Effectiveness: Whilst evangelism success is in large part predicated on the personality and skill of the evangelist, any person with a heart for God, a heart for evangelism, and a moderate confidence, will be made considerably more effective through this training. We saw a number of people confidently shared with throughout the training, which actually took people into the field into real life situation under Stu’s mentorship, and a number of those shared with actually come to faith. I was particularly impressed with Stu’s high level commitment to personally taking people into shopping centers, parks and gardens to see him share and then to personally experience sharing their faith.
In summary, I highly recommend this ministry to you, and would be pleased to talk personally with you. I can be contacted on 07 3378 3595 or on email: Stu at all times worked under the authority of church leadership, and was readily obliging in fitting in well with our many church commitment.
Yours faithfully,
Ric Benson | Senior Pastor
Ps Ric Benson
Kenmore Baptist Church, Queensland (Baptist)

Ps Rod Jobe
I first met Stu Millar on the streets of Nadi in Fiji. He was sharing the gospel with people as they were out shopping. Stu lives what he teaches and that is “people need to hear the gospel”
The gospel presentation tool that is used enables every day believers to share the gospel with people in every day life. I highly commend him as a man of integrity with an exceptional passion to help people win others to Christ.
Rodney Jobe
Church on the Rise, Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia
Ps Rod Jobe
Church on the Rise, Sunshine Coast, Queensland (AOG)

Ps Gordon Rosewall
To Whom It May Concern,
… For years I had been wallowing in the frustration of personal evangelism where conversations often became amicable debates about Christianity and where the bridges of relationship built toward unbelievers lacked any gospel traffic for want of an effective vehicle to carry the message across. The presentation tool has enriched and given direction to my conversations and has taken me across those bridges that have been building. I would have to say that it has been the most profitable and enjoyable means I have encountered for sharing a clear, cogent and concise presentation of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Our mission statement is Knowing God in Christ and Making Him Known and we have been doing the first part well but the second part was languishing…
We shared a very intense, stimulating and invigorating two weeks as Stuart taught and trained us in the use of the presentation tool. Stuart was enthusiastic and well prepared and kept us all on track. He was sensitive to those who found the prospect of going up to total strangers a little daunting and encouraged us all continually. His ability to communicate and his keen sense of humour made for a most enjoyable two weeks of training…
Yours sincerely,
Gordon Rosewall
(Senior Minister)
New Life Christian Centre, Timaru, New Zealand
Ps Gordon Rosewall
New Life Christian Centre, Timaru, New Zealand

Ps Troy Beer
I have always found Stu to have a great sense of diversity with the way he communicates to all different types of people. He speaks with the other person in mind to achieve his ultimate mission of communicating the gospel clearly in a way they will understand, and receive.
I have found Stu to be rock solid on the message he proclaims and the mission he is going hard after, but he is ‘all things to all men’ in his ministry. He will do whatever it takes, enter all fields that need reaching and preach courageously the gospel.
Stu is easily understood, a clear communicator of his message, trained and succinct in every aspect of his communication. He is adaptable to settings in his style of communication.
Stu has a real positive attitude that takes him into the realm of faith living and seeing God provide is a normal part of Stu’s life. Problem solving is something that Stu does well, and God always lead him in the answers.
Stu is building his ministry to be self sustainable. As he continues training seminars they cover their own expenses. Eventually there needs to be a salary component to the ministry OR a growing support team to provide an income for his family.
Stu teaches biblical principles and truth that can be transferred easily between cultures. He presents the gospel in such a clear and simple format that he can teach nationals to also do the same. He is a true evangelist in that he trains others to do the work of evangelism by modelling and teaching. In saying this his identified people group really is all people who will listen and be trained to witness.
Stu is motivated, called, focused, dedicated, and will not let you down. I believe he will achieve all he has set out to do and been called by God to accomplish.
Ps Troy Beer | Axis Church
Ps Troy Beer
Axis Church, North Lakes, Queensland (Wesleyan)

Ps Peter Holmes
To whom it may concern,
Dear Sir/Madam
I am writing this letter in reference to Stu Millar from Train to Proclaim. I have known Stu for approx four years. Firstly as an invited evangelist … to facilitate his evangelism program within our church. And secondly now as his Pastor since relocated to Australia eighteen months ago.
During my time of knowing Stu I have found him to be a person of high moral standard. He has a heart after the Lord to do His will and to fulfil God’s purpose for his life. His evangelistic gift upon his life is evident in his commitment to reach all people groups for Jesus Christ and to assist in equipping the saints for the ministry of sharing the Gospel. I have experienced many evangelists during my time in ministry who talk the talk but very often are not actually out there personally evangelising and giving practical teaching on how to share the good news. Stu’s commitment is very evident in the Why Ministries website statistics. He has personally witnessed to over 28,000 people over the last 6 years alone and having his longest record for sharing the gospel every day to at least one person being over 800 days straight. These statistics speaks volumes to me regarding his heart for the lost.
I have also had the privilege to have him accompany me on a recent missions trip to the Philippines where he had the opportunity to preach the gospel each night during our 3 day crusade and to teach his Train to Proclaim evangelism course (The Seed) to 187 pastors and leaders at our two day leadership seminar in Bobon. While there I witnessed his vibrant desire to reach all that are lost as he also pursued the opportunity to share the gospel message to 900 high school students at Bobon in his free time.
Stu is very culturally aware to all people groups. As I witnessed him ministering and teaching through an interpreter he adapted his message by speaking accordingly to ensure maximum impact and cultural sensitivity. Stu has also ministered to many different denominations and again his style of evangelism and teaching is culturally sensitive to all streams of Christianity.
Over the past years and especially during our recent missions trip, I witnessed that Stu had excellent problem solving capabilities as he handled unforseen pressures and challenges which came along, while still being very sensitive and respectful to those around him or involved within the crisis. I believe this quality is fruit from his dedication to his personal spiritual growth and submission to God in all things.
I have been involved in a few of his seminars and have personally gone out witnessing with him on a number of occasions and have found his communication skills and interpersonal abilities have been outstanding. He teaches and speaks to people with a genuine heart to listen to what others are saying, and gives time to people to explain what he is presenting in detail.
As a board member within his organisation of Train to Proclaim, I have witnessed that Stu is very diligent in his quest to ensure that all funds given are used to produce maximum impact for the ongoing viability of the ministry. He is a visionary leader and one who endeavours faithfully to acquire resources and finance to maintain and execute the vision that the Lord has given him. Stu is a person of high integrity, accountability and honesty. It is because of these attributes that I have no hesitation in writing this personal reference for him, and to recommend anyone to support the mission mandate that God has given him in equipping the saints to share the full gospel of Jesus Christ
If I can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me on the above number.
Yours in His service
Rev Peter Holmes | Senior Minister
The Rock Christian Church
Ps Peter Holmes
The Rock Christian Church, Capalaba, Queensland (CLCI)

Chris Chirnside
I think back to my Discipleship Training School though, where you came and taught us about evangelism and the brilliant tool “The G7”, and I know that that is when God really kickstarted me with evangelism. I heard for the first time during your teaching what the core of the gospel really is, and how satan is stopping Christians from sharing the life-changing message of Jesus Christ (using either fear or theology for example).
Through the G7, I learnt a format of delivering the gospel that is very effective. In India, (and back home as well), I have regularly used material from the G7 because it does indeed contain the important parts of the biblical gospel. So thank you again Stu for taking the time to speak to our DTS back in 2004, your teaching, and learning how to use the G7 booklet were a real springboard for me. As well as kickstarting me into a lifestyle of evangelism myself, it has also spurred me into teaching others in the church how to evangelise.
Chris Chirnside
Staff – “MAD DTS”
Youth With A Mission. Brisbane
Chris Chirnside
YWAM Staff member, Brisbane
Note: Titles/Positions displayed may not be current as Pastors may have moved on, from the time the reference was written.
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