We have an unprecedented opportunity before us and we want you to have the opportunity to partner with us.
We are remaking the G7 app from scratch, with completely new graphics, with a new video and interactive presentation in full HD colour 3D animation! Think Dreamworks, think best gospel presentation you have ever seen!
But it is not cheap, bottom line is it is going to cost about $100k, which is about a fifth of the cost of getting it done commercially due to our contacts in the industry, and we won’t be sacrificing quality.
Can you help?
Thank you to everyone who has donated so far, we have already raised $30k. Another 70 people giving $1k each or 140 people giving $500 and we would be there! Maybe you are in a position to give more?
UPDATE: We have now received another $21k since the video was made. Thank you to everyone who has contributed! We still have a big shortfall so really appreciate any contributions you can give.
Ways to give
Australia | New Zealand |
Account Name: Train To Proclaim Inc. BSB: 064-107 Account: 10157071 Particulars: ‘your Name’ Reference: ‘G7upgrade’ Bank: Commonwealth Bank |
Account Name: Train To Proclaim Account: 03-1503-0371406-00 Particulars: ‘your Name’ Reference: ‘G7upgrade’ Bank: Westpac |
Please email Stuart Millar on stu@traintoproclaim.com if you require an official receipt.
Thank you for your investment in the G7 App evangelism tool!
Please fill out the form below, when you click Donate, you will be directed to a secure payment window powered by Stripe. Amounts shown are in Australian Dollars.
All gifts are tax deductible in both Australia and NZ. This is a genuine partnership, we can’t do this without your support. And we will all share in the fruit and the reward for the impact this will have on souls worldwide! Check out the first draft of a sample of the presentation in the link below. Thank you and God bless.
Keep in touch