If you are looking for a FANTASTIC presentation of the Gospel that you can use with your family, friends, workmates and even total strangers, then you have come to the right place.
As a full time evangelist for over 20 years I have never seen a better Gospel presentation than this, it has revolutionised my evangelism!!! Many people from all over the world are being empowered to more effectively share the Gospel through the G7 or Gospel in 7 tool.
“I always prayed for opportunities to preach the Gospel, but now I have the right tools to do it myself (with of course the help of God)” (L.T. Auckland, New Zealand)
So often Christians are frustrated by tracts and tools that are antiquated, full of religious jargon and difficult scriptures and are complicated to use. The Gospel is the greatest message ever, so we want to communicate the best way possible! I have been deeply concerned that most Christians today aren’t sharing the Gospel regularly. But this is where a quality evangelism tool like the Gospel in 7 can change all this!
Do you have a smartphone or tablet? The G7 is now available for iPhone, iPad, Android Phone and Tablets. Unbelievable app! Check out a 3 min overview of the App’s unique features here
Download the G7 Smartphone App now …
Download the G7 for Mac and PC …
“More than 200 people saved by God (through the G7). Still continuing the work until now.” (G.P. North Samar, The Philippines)
11 Features And Benefits Of This Presentation:
- Modern and visually stimulating, maintaining people’s interest and enhancing their understanding.
- Void of religious jargon so you can clearly communicate in everyday language.
- No complicated scriptures so people are less likely to feel ‘bible-bashed’ by you or embarrassed that they don’t understand.
- Easy to use, allowing anyone to become an excellent communicator through these tools.
- Theologically sound, giving you that extra confidence that you are presenting the full historic Gospel and not leaving vital elements out. Great for keeping people on track, removing the ‘red herrings’ that often dominate discussions about God and often lead to arguments.
- Not requiring you to memorise anything! You can start sharing the Gospel sooner and with no fear of ‘forgetting’ what to say.
- Loving and gentle in its approach, reflecting God’s heart and allows you to leave the person with their dignity in tact.
- Highly motivational and challenging, it moves people to action as they are convicted by the Holy Spirit.
- Complete with a response function. This helps you facilitate various follow up options so that people can always get the help they need at their current level of commitment.
- Tried and tested with over quarter of a million people. It’s been refined and proven to be effective so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel.
- Very versatile as you can use it in a variety of contexts – friendships, street witnessing, as you meet people in your day etc.
“It is the best method I’ve seen of how to proclaim the Gospel” (T.M. Retired lady from Queensland, Australia)
A Real Life Presentation:
Would you like to see how this presentation can be used in real life? You can use it one on one or with big crowds. Check out this video clip as a demo of sharing the Gospel with a crowd.You can also access the presentation at www.traintoproclaim.com/seed from any online computer without having to download it, so you can always have access to it to show it to others. Have a look at this link to preview the presentation online before downloading it if you like.
The G7 has literally cost tens of thousands of dollars to develop. It used to sell for $49 but now is being made available for an unbelievable price – FREE! If you can see the value in getting this presentation into the hands of Christians around the world to help empower them to go out with the Gospel, then why not invest in the ministry? The investment in souls is always a winning investment that lasts for all of eternity.
“…any person with a heart for God, a heart for evangelism, and a moderate confidence, will be made considerably more effective through this training.” Ric Benson (Senior Pastor of Kenmore Baptist Church, Queensland) See full testimonial
Evangelism Strategies for you and your church
Are you keen to get the Gospel to people but afraid to witness? You are not alone. The 7 Level Evangelism Plan is helping many people get started in evangelism. Check it out! The first level requires no skill and there is no ‘fear factor’ at all, in fact my two year old can do this level.
“The gospel presentation tool that is used enables everyday believers to share the gospel with people in everyday life.” (Rod Jobe, Senior Pastor of Church on the Rise, Sunshine Coast, Queensland) See full testimonial
Good on you for coming to this website. Clearly you have a heart to see others come to faith, to see the Great Commission accomplished and God glorified. I hope and pray that you will find the tools on this site helpful to you and your church. We can make a difference! What a privilege to be a part of God’s rescue plan for the world! Do check out the other resources that are available for free on this website. There is lots of free downloads, Video and Audio files, Website evangelism, Chat room Evangelism, teaching on Evangelism, you will be amazed at what you’ll find …
“I cried a lot many times and asked the Lord to give me the strength to preach the gospel and save the perishing souls … I learned how to reaching the people … how to preach the gospel as effectively without shouting and screaming and doing different kind of works.” (P.R. Andhra Pradesh, India)
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