Resources produced by Train To Proclaim are available for FREE.  You can download them from our website and print any printed resources at your local printer.  It has cost tens of thousands of dollars to develop these resources which are now available and being used by Christians all around the world.  This is only possible through people investing in the Ministry.  Do you believe that Christians need quality evangelism tools to empower them to share the Gospel?  Do you want to see this ministry continue to develop and improve these resources?  Then make the decision to invest in souls through one of the different options below.  This would be so appreciated!   Thank you for your support.



Account Name: Train to Proclaim Inc.
Account: 10157071
BSB: 064-107
Bank: Commonwealth Bank

New Zealand:

Account Name: Train to Proclaim
Account: 03 – 1503 – 0371406 – 00
Bank: Westpac


Make your cheques payable to ‘Train to Proclaim’ and send to
Train to Proclaim
13 Bentley Court
Mansfield QLD 4122


Australian and International currencies – choose to ‘SEND MONEY’ and use the email

New Zealand dollars only – choose to ‘SEND MONEY’ and use the email info@traintoproclaim


Please email Stuart Millar on if you require a receipt. And please put your name in the reference if direct depositing.

Thank you for you investing in souls through your contribution.