This is the training manual that accompanies the 7 session training that is available online for free here. You can download and print these yourself or order manuals already made up from us. You can also download a fillable PDF version of this manual if you want to use an electronic version.
The laminated script and diagrams for sharing a clear presentation of the Gospel [A6 size]
View a sample PDF of the booklet HERE
On Sale!Oswald J Sanders – Two books in one. Read this practical and vital book and expect to grow in Christian maturity and passion for the lost. ISBN: 978-1857924350
Description here. Sold per pack of View a sample PDF of the Tract HERE.
This is the Interactive G7 in DVD form. Just pop it in a DVD player and start showing it. Run time is 7 minutes. Bonus – this is an ‘ENHANCED DVD’, so it can be put into your computer as well. Contains the interactive versions for PC and MAC, plus the video versions for all your devices and to upload to YouTube or your website.
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